Today, we quarantined all the non perishable foods we stocked up on (not going too crazy). This is just in case someone sneezed or coughed on the bags in the chips isle. We loaded everything into rubber tubs with lids and stacked them in the shed with a retrieve-by-date sticky note. Steven wears a N99 respirator when he goes out and doubled-up disposable gloves. Did you know that they usually have tiny holes? It's kind of an adventure but what makes it hard is that you have to be so mindful of where and what you touch. The mask redirects the breath and fogs up the glasses. Don't touch those glasses! And it gets itchy and sweaty under the mask. Don't scratch that itchy nose! Then the car door. Did I wipe that yet with the mango-scented disinfectant wipes? The hatch in the back, did I touch that with the gloves on or with the gloves off? So, that's what Steven goes through. When he gets home, we work together on neutralizing the threat that every little thing brought in from outside our hermetically sealed castle represents. We laugh. But we're also sniping and misinterpreting each other and getting our feelings hurt and apologizing a lot. There's a lot of stress from the fear of catching the virus. I'm in the high-risk group. So, it's not quite a laughing matter. I'm learning a lot about Zoom. But because the challenges presented by the Coronavirus quarantine are so unprecedented, I want to stay very open to listening and learning and exploring and thinking in terms of possibilities, rather than wanting exact matches for my expectations. I guess the now-about watch word today is FLEXIBILITY. We have some bright yellow daffodils in the backyard right now. Nothing fancy. But it says, YES, it's spring!
March 2024
Henry India HoldenI write about the divineness of life in its many forms. Writer, artist, spiritual director, life coach, tarotist. Nonbinary. |