Henry's Bio & Resume
Holden Metaphysical Consultancy offers life coaching, spiritual counseling & healing, guidance with the Intuitive Tarot, and ecotherapy.
In the area of life coaching, Henry specializes in three ways: 1) Helping clients define their True Self, crystallize their Soul Purpose, and develop concrete steps to manifest it for a powerfully embodied life . 2) Helping clients develop a conscious relationship with the world (what is commonly called "nature"). 3) Helping clients develop a loving relationship with the divine as is in alignment with who they are.
Henry is a writer, healer, teacher, and second-generation mystic. Their work is guided by direct-experiences with the divine mystery in the physical/metaphysical world. They have certifications and training as a life coach, in ecopsychology, spiritual director & counselor, Tarotist, peer counselor, and Reiki master. They are a seminar & workshop developer and teacher. Their teaching includes Radical Ecopsychology, Wise Peer Communication: The Healing Art of Listening, The Mystic's Intuitive Tarot, Feeding the Shadow a Feast, and Sacred Protection.
Henry developed a Tarot & Oracle deck that is diverse and inclusive and designed to be used as a tool for empowerment.
In the area of life coaching, Henry specializes in three ways: 1) Helping clients define their True Self, crystallize their Soul Purpose, and develop concrete steps to manifest it for a powerfully embodied life . 2) Helping clients develop a conscious relationship with the world (what is commonly called "nature"). 3) Helping clients develop a loving relationship with the divine as is in alignment with who they are.
Henry is a writer, healer, teacher, and second-generation mystic. Their work is guided by direct-experiences with the divine mystery in the physical/metaphysical world. They have certifications and training as a life coach, in ecopsychology, spiritual director & counselor, Tarotist, peer counselor, and Reiki master. They are a seminar & workshop developer and teacher. Their teaching includes Radical Ecopsychology, Wise Peer Communication: The Healing Art of Listening, The Mystic's Intuitive Tarot, Feeding the Shadow a Feast, and Sacred Protection.
Henry developed a Tarot & Oracle deck that is diverse and inclusive and designed to be used as a tool for empowerment.
Accomplishments & Other Things You May Want to Know About Me
I'm a nonbinary person. My pronouns are they, them and their. If you're curious, here's a link that describes how you can use them.
I'm an award-winning speaker, with certifications in life coaching, ecopsychology, peer-counseling, and Reiki with over fifteen years of experience teaching, training, and coaching clients. I'm the course creator and teacher of Intuitive Tarot: Unfold the Divine Mystery, Feeding the Shadow a Feast, Wise Peer Communication: The Healing Art of Listening and History, Meaning & Reading of the Tarot, and coming in the fall, Nature is the World: Find your place in it.
The central thing that unifies my offerings, modalities, teachings, writing, and daily living is that I'm a mystic and claircognizant. What that means is that I experience the presence of the divine, especially in the world (what is usually referred to as "nature."). I even have conversations with G-d. Nothing fancy. It's just like talking with a friend. The g-d of my understanding is unfailingly sweet, kind, compassionate and delighted. Their presence is the greatest source of comfort in my life. It's what makes me claircognizant--a knowing simply pops into existence which helps my clients and students. It is what makes me love life, people, Mama Gaia, and all their inhabitants. It's what makes me believe that all is divine and makes me trust in the goodness of the world regardless of what seems to be the matter with it. If you'd like to know more, you might enjoy my articles, Saying That All is Divine is a Hard Sell and Living Close to G-d.
I'm an award-winning speaker, with certifications in life coaching, ecopsychology, peer-counseling, and Reiki with over fifteen years of experience teaching, training, and coaching clients. I'm the course creator and teacher of Intuitive Tarot: Unfold the Divine Mystery, Feeding the Shadow a Feast, Wise Peer Communication: The Healing Art of Listening and History, Meaning & Reading of the Tarot, and coming in the fall, Nature is the World: Find your place in it.
The central thing that unifies my offerings, modalities, teachings, writing, and daily living is that I'm a mystic and claircognizant. What that means is that I experience the presence of the divine, especially in the world (what is usually referred to as "nature."). I even have conversations with G-d. Nothing fancy. It's just like talking with a friend. The g-d of my understanding is unfailingly sweet, kind, compassionate and delighted. Their presence is the greatest source of comfort in my life. It's what makes me claircognizant--a knowing simply pops into existence which helps my clients and students. It is what makes me love life, people, Mama Gaia, and all their inhabitants. It's what makes me believe that all is divine and makes me trust in the goodness of the world regardless of what seems to be the matter with it. If you'd like to know more, you might enjoy my articles, Saying That All is Divine is a Hard Sell and Living Close to G-d.
I'm a published writer of articles, essays and books. My book, The World is Better Than You Think, is available on Amazon.
You can find my...
Articles and essays on Medium.
Educational videos on YouTube.
You can follow me on...
Facebook and Instagram.
You can find me on the Clubhouse audio app (download from your phone's app store) by searching for: HenryIndiaH
A bit of fun trivia: I'm a former recording artist with Sony, Germany and a life-long musician and singer/songwriter.
You can find my...
Articles and essays on Medium.
Educational videos on YouTube.
You can follow me on...
Facebook and Instagram.
You can find me on the Clubhouse audio app (download from your phone's app store) by searching for: HenryIndiaH
A bit of fun trivia: I'm a former recording artist with Sony, Germany and a life-long musician and singer/songwriter.
To open, click or tap on "BY YEAR."
by year
Teaches Intuitive Tarot: Unfold the Divine Mystery, 2021
- Certification in Ecopsychology, Pacifica, 2022
- Advises, guides & does healing work individuals on their life journey through spiritual direction, Tarot readings & guidance, life coaching, and courses, 2015-Present.
- Coaches clients, 2007-Present.
- Publishes spiritual articles and essays about the divineness of life, 2020-Present.
- Taught Wise Peer Communication – Three 4-wk trauma healing and peer-counseling courses: Foundation, Advanced and Master Class, 2016-2020.
- Taught History, Meaning & Reading of the Tarot, 2015-15
- Published two books, The World is Better Than You Think - Developing an Eye for the Good Around You, and, Crafting a Happy Life, 2014-2015.
- Taught Holistic Peer Counseling System, 2007-2013.
- Taught Reiki with Seattle Reiki Mastery Series, 2008-2013.
- Taught Feeding the Shadow a Feast, 2007-2013.
- Tarot Training with Gaia Hawkin, 2015.
- Graduated from Seattle Reiki Mastery Series, 9-month Reiki Master & teacher training in the Mikao Usui lineage, levels I, II, & III, 2007-2008.
- Registered Counselor, 2006-2007.
- Graduated from Seattle Life Coach Training with Richard Seaman, leader of Southwest Institute of Healing Arts' life-coaching. program, 120-hr. in-person life coach Training, levels 1-3, 2006 - 2007, graduated from 20 hrs. of advanced training in 2007.
- Graduated from Holistic Peer Counseling (now Cascadia Holistic Peer Counseling), with Reverend Teri Ciacchi, 46-h.r in-person Peer Counseling training and practicum, 2006.
- 3 years of speaker training with Toastmasters, Advanced Communicator Bronze, Competent Leader, 2012-2015.
- Graduate of Landmark Education Curriculum for Living, Wisdom Course, Introduction Leaders Program, 2006-2019.
Want to know even more, go to WORKING WITH ME